Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Well, yesterday I had gone to the grocery store and I had on my "I am a survivor" breast cancer tshirt.  I always hated to have to use the little electric carts in stores because I have seen the looks that people give people on scooters and even hear an occasional rude remark from others concerning the person on the cart.  Well let me tell you...I was in so much pain yesterday due to my bad back that I had no choice but to use a scooter if I wanted to get what I needed from the grocery store.  I was truly amazed at the reactions and comments from people as the first thing they saw when looking at me was my I am a survivor.  I have never experienced so much 1) Can I help you get anything off the shelf  2) WOW are a survivor, how wonderful (which always makes me cry). 3) You dropped this let me pick it up for you, and that is just a short version of people's kindness when they really think you have a reason to ride the cart!!!
I am so thankful for all my blessings, and April 18, 2016 will be my 2nd year cancer free anniversary!
Now to get to my main point of my blog.  I got up too early this morning, specifically at 3 am so I finally fell back to sleep when my husband left for work.  He asked me if I needed the car (he drives our car when I don't need it to work)  I remember going uggggg, naw I don't think I will be going anywhere today.
Just going to sit home, pull up all the OA telephone meetings for today and go down the list and highlight the ones that I really need to attend.  Also reading my OA literature on my Ipad or my Iphone.  These are really informative and helpful.  I am over my disappoint of thinking "I deserve better than this, after all, I survived cancer, after some serious thinking of duh!!!!  You do deserve better than this and that means taking care of myself!!!!  My husband has told me in the past few weeks how he worries about me "surviving" and that includes getting to a healthy weight and place in my life so that I hopefully will live a long time.  He came into our home office last night and told me that he thinks that my OA food plan is actually a good healthy one.  Yay!!!!
Well I gotta run, because it is time for me to call my sponsor, she is a great sponsor and I am grateful for her wisdom and support and making me accountable!!!
Catch you later, alligator...LOL

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